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Frolic CheeseFrolic Cheese
Frolic CheeseFrolic Cheese
Frolic CheeseFrolic Cheese Mozzarella Cheese
Range of Products
Natural Cheddar Cheese|Mozzarella Cheese|Processed Cheese|Pizza Cheese|Sliced Cheese|Spread Cheese|Ricotta| Jack
A semisoft cheese with a buttery-ivory color and a mild, agreeable flavor reminiscent of American muenster.. Also called Monterey Jack, California Jack and Sonoma Jack, this cheese can be made from pasteurized whole, partly skimmed or skimmed cow's milk. Unaged Jack, typically ripened for about one week, has high moisture and good melting properties, so it's excellent for sandwiches as well as for cooked dishes. Some versions contain flavorings such as jalapeño chile, garlic and dill. Aged (dry) Jack, aged for about 10 months, is a pale yellow color and has a firm texture and rich, sharp, slightly nutty flavor. Because of its low moisture content it's often used as a grating cheese. Unaged Jack is available throughout the United States, whereas the aged version is more commonly found on the West Coast or in specialty cheese shops.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Range of Products -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Natural Cheddar Cheese|Mozzarella Cheese|Processed Cheese|Pizza Cheese|Sliced Cheese|Spread Cheese|Ricotta|Jack